Centenary is an affirming and inclusive church community. We believe in putting our love into action by changing the world around us through treating everyone justly and with dignity.
Our acts of justice and inclusion may be found in a protest, through collecting menstrual products, by slapping some peanut butter on a piece of bread, writing letters to senators, or journeying alongside one another through addiction to sobriety. In the midst of it all, we’re called to remind all of God’s beloved that they are never alone.
Join us in these ministries of justice, mercy, and inclusion as we live out these prophetic words from the book of Micah…
He has told you, O mortal, what is good, and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice and to love kindness and to walk humbly with your God? Micah 6:8
Centenary is deeply committed to social justice work and advocacy. We seek to build a community of radical welcome that follows Jesus into the streets of the city to increase the amount of love and justice in the world. We nurture and inspire Jesus’ followers through relationship building to transform ourselves and the world. Centenary is often called to respond to the needs of our community and the world in real time.
We fully recognize that justice and inclusion work is done better in partnership and collaboration with others. Both Centenary and Centenary Community Ministries, Inc. have strong Community Partnerships with Macon Pride, The Red Cross, Macon Periods Easier, AA groups, Middle Georgia Community Food Bank, Daybreak, Alexander II Elementary, Mercer University, Wesleyan College, Society of St Andrew, and Macon Community Fridge.
Centenary Community Ministries, Inc.
Centenary Community Ministries, Inc., CCMI, is the non-profit arm of Centenary that was established in 2009 as a primary means of expanding the social justice and advocacy work of the church through partnerships with other churches and non-profit organizations.
The mission of CCMI is to develop sustainable communities through the revitalization of people and place. We do this together through CCMI’s primary programs: ReCycle Macon, the Community Garden, Financial Assistance, the Transitional House, the weekly free Community Breakfast, and our Community Fridge and Pantry.
Our calling as a faith community is lived out in greater action through our work with CCMI.
Click on the button on the left to visit the CCMI website and learn more about their ministries. The button on the right will open their latest quarterly report.
Interested in joining the CCMI Board of Directors? Reach out to or
Cultivating Interfaith Relationships
Centenary seeks to do justice ministry through relationship building - especially with our interfaith community.
The Downtown Tapestry gathers clergy from multiple downtown congregations to cultivate our interfaith relationships in Macon to navigate change, share in struggles, and celebrate triumphs. We connect pieces of ministry including Vacation Bible School, youth retreats and mission trips, educational trips, and an Interfaith Thanksgiving Worship.
The Women’s Interfaith Alliance of Central Georgia represents women from different faiths coming together to explore their spirituality and learn about each other in a context of love, compassion, cooperation, and community service. They meet monthly for a lunch and learn event and offer regular book studies and special events. WIA events are included on our Events page.
These interfaith organizations have stood up together to acts of antisemitism and LGBTQ hate, served alongside one another in missions, and sought to share resources and ministry together. Across our differences, we share in common the longing for acceptance and prosperity for all. We believe in each other and in the beautiful tapestry God has created in our human diversity.