Upcoming events

Join us. We’d love to have you.

Building community one event at a time.

Communications are crucial to building community. We do our best to keep members and visitors alike informed as to the multitude of opportunities available through our newsletters and this Events page that is updated regularly. The monthly newsletter is available as a downloadable pdf on this page. You can also request it and our weekly email updates by contacting office@centenarymacon.org to be added to our mailing list or inquire about details of a specific event.

Click the button below to download a PDF copy of our newsletter.

Whether you are interested in social gatherings, Bible study, book groups, classes, or service opportunities, this is your hub for all manner of events. We hope to see you soon!

to Jun 20


Save the Date!

VBS is back for another exciting summer adventure and we're partnering with other downtown congregations again for an enriching experience for all! Watch for additional details.

Those who would like to volunteer—reach out to sara@centenarymacon.org.

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Volunteers needed for VBS

Volunteers needed for VBS

Save the Date! VBS is back for another exciting summer adventure and we're partnering with other downtown congregations again for an enriching experience for all!

Those who would like to volunteer—reach out to sara@centenarymacon.org.

There will be a brief training on Sunday, March 16 from 12:30-2PM after worship at Mulberry Street UMC with lunch provided. Come to learn more about the curriculum and our roles as leaders.

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Ash Wednesday Service

Ash Wednesday Service

We will gather in the sanctuary at 5:30pm for worship to mark the beginning of the Lenten season. Join us as we receive the mark of the cross as a sign of God’s love and our mortality. May we cherish every breath we take.

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Ashes to Go

Ashes to Go

Join us either in your car, on foot, or in the sanctuary for worship , as we receive our ashes as a sign of God’s love and our mortality. May we cherish every breath we take.

Drop by the Community Garden between Noon and 1:00 PM for Ashes to Go to mark the beginning of Lent.

We will also gather at 5:30pm for worship.

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WIA March Meeting

WIA March Meeting

March Meeting
Monday, March 3, 2025
12:00 noon until 2:00 P.M.

Wesley United Methodist Church 
4226 Hartley Bridge Road
Macon GA 31216

It's Ramadan

To honor the Ramadan fast of our Muslim friends, no food or drink will be served at this meeting. If your personal situation requires that you eat or drink, feel free to bring food or water as needed.  

Meeting Topic
Healing in Our Faith Traditions

This month, we will hear from members of a multi-faith panel as they review with us what their scriptures say about healing. After brief presentations from Hindu, Jewish, Christian, Muslim and Bahai WIA members, we will have a Questions and Answer time, and if time allows, small group discussion.   

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“Ladies” Luncheon

“Ladies” Luncheon

Ladies Luncheon is an exciting and growing group of gay men and their friends who gather for Sunday lunch and conversation on the first Sunday of each month.  Anyone who would like to join us is welcomed!  For restaurant location call Don at 404-556-0729.

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Preparing for Lent

Preparing for Lent

Join us for worship on the Sunday before Ash Wednesday, as Pastor Sara sets the stage for our Lenten theme, and we prepare our hearts for An Expansive Lent in the coming weeks.

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Hope, Peace, & Prayer Group

Hope, Peace, & Prayer Group

The Hope, Peace, & Prayer group evolved out of a study group from early 2024. We meet twice monthly for a time of sharing with one another. Typically, we will have a simple focal point - a poem, a prayer, or a devotional that jump-starts the conversation, which is never lacking and always insightful from this wonderful group. Not everyone is able or expected to attend every session, making it a great place to give small groups a try. For more information, contact beth@centenarymacon.org.

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Beloved Community Video Retreat

Beloved Community Video Retreat

Join us for a video retreat to recount discussions and watch videos walking us through the history and current state of racism in Macon and how we can work towards justice within the community.

Facilitators for the event are Pastor Sara, Pastor Amanda and Rev. Don Clarke

February 22, 2025 9:30am-3:30pm

( Lunch & childcare will be provided.)

Please rsvp by 2/19 to office@centenarymacon.org.

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Hope, Peace, & Prayer Group

Hope, Peace, & Prayer Group

The Hope, Peace, & Prayer group evolved out of a study group from early 2024. We meet twice monthly for a time of sharing with one another. Typically, we will have a simple focal point - a poem, a prayer, or a devotional that jump-starts the conversation, which is never lacking and always insightful from this wonderful group. Not everyone is able or expected to attend every session, making it a great place to give small groups a try. For more information, contact beth@centenarymacon.org.

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Chili Cook-Off

Chili Cook-Off

Mark Your Calendar!

Join us for one of our favorite annual events! Come, to taste and vote for your favorites. Chili entries will compete for the highly coveted awards and bragging rights for the coming year. For more information, contact office@centenarymacon.org.

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